Saturday, August 20, 2011

Happy Saturday

What a fun day... another lovely day of cool sunny Oregon summer. Here in Oregon (I've learned this) no matter what the weather is the multi-generation natives say the same thing, "This is very unusual weather we're having." If it hasn't rained for a few days, the country folk (salt of the earth and wise beyond any years or formal education), they also look a little nervous. You get used to the grey and the rain. You come to miss it and to hate it and to love it, because as dear E. said after moving to Portland from Santa Barbara, CA (she's from Ohio originally) she loved the fall, winter, spring here because she loves cups of steaming things -- mostly tea from the Tao of Tea -- and if it's not drizzly and grey and with a soft, moist chill in the air, that steaming cup doesn't quite fit the comfort zone.

Up early to cover up little Del sleeping on the sofa -- except he's morphed into big, muscle-ie studly Del -- just like the other Z boys have. Tall, strong, brilliant, happy... and still wild and crazy -- what fun to see the two youngest of the Zach-Zim fam come into their own. I miss living in the country. It's quieter, and instead of driving to the river so I can walk and the dog can swim, it'd be just across the street to maple leaf lake holding a cup of coffee and sitting on the dock dangling my feet in the velvety lake water. Sigh. Life has its twists and turns....the if only- thoughts come up often, and then reality comes back to be here now, and the past informs the present and the memories are like the richly melded scent of what Al just cooked up for breakfast...better go see and taste it all.

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